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Cik Nurul KUDA??

On Monday, we finally had our new Sejarah teacher! She is Cik Nurul Huda (Well she looks a bit like a kuda (hehehe), and also a rabbit!!(hahaha).), so I call her Cik Nurul KUDA(muahahahaha...laughing like mad..)

When she first come in to our class(1A5 roxx), she said something about herself bla bla bla..., and then she said "learning is FUN" (everyone laughed...muahahahaha!). Because most of my classmates prefer to play games than learning, so she divided us into 3 groups (actually we made our decision ourselves). When I had my own group, one of my friends, Sofeanna kept saying "learning is fun, learning is fun" (Did 'learning is fun' became our 1A5 slogan!!..muahahaha).

Then, because when teacher asked which one is in which group but my group didn't even put up our hands, so we became the 观众 group ( need to play). Now the game starts, teacher asked us some questions to answer...

Q1-Apakah zaman yang pernah Malaysia lalui? (something like that)
Ans-Zaman Paleolitik, Zaman Neolitik and Zaman Logam. (plss la.. 2nd exam won't hav this kind of question la!)
Q2-Siapakah pengasas Melaka?
Ans-Parameswara. (OMG! SO EASY!!)
Q3-Apakah nama lain untuk Melaka?
Ans-Amalaka, Mulaqah and Malakat. (Well, 2nd exam also won't hav this kind of question, but actually I nearly forget, fortunately I'm only an audience...muahahaha)
Q4-Bla Bla Bla...
Q5-Forgotten hehe..

Ring!!!...FINALLY!! "Terima kasih Puan...(everyone looked at her name tag) Nurul Huda"
Then she said, "Cik!" (lll_-)

And thats Monday.

On the next day, she can finish Bab 6 in just less than 30 minutes (waa, so pro). When I'm looking on my buku nota to add some notes onto it about Bab 6.3, I suddenly heard "Jadi kesimpulannya ialah bla bla bla...". OMG!! She had finished the whole bab when I'm still in Bab 6.3!! (actually she was just reading through the textbook without explaning and she won't care although someone slept in the classroom).

Haha, now is the time to say something bad about her.
When she was doing some notes for us to copy after she finished the textbook reading, she still need to refer to the textbook and find the answer. And when she stopped for a while to look at her book, I can answer what she was looking for without refering to my textbook (muahahahaha...I'm cleverer than her).

Actually I liked Puan Sugumarie more than the Cik Kuda because Puan Sugumarie can teach very very well (I mean really really well), so I WANT HER TO COME BACK!! And the student sitting behine me kept saying "我很想念Puan Sugumarie la!!"

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