Blogger Templates



Chapter 0

“ 晓逸啊”母亲用着慈祥的口气对小孩说。
“ 嗯? ”
“ 妈妈跟你说哦,这里,就是爱神丘比特堂。以后有什么事情要跟妈妈说,就可以来这里哦,而且哓逸长大后也会被爱神保佑的。”
“ 我以后不能直接与妈妈说话嘛? ”
“ 不行。” 坚决了许久,母亲终于说出了这句话。
“ 为什么?”
“ 因为。。因为这样跟妈妈说话比较好玩嘛! ”
“ 是吗?”
“ 嗯!”
“ 好耶!”
“ 妈妈怎么啦?好啦,妈妈别哭,晓逸一定会乖的。妈妈也要乖,不哭了不哭了。”小女孩不解地拥着小手拍着母亲的背,不停地安慰母亲。
“ 好啦晓逸,妈妈要走啰!”
“ 去哪里?”
“ 去找你哥哥。你要乖乖跟着阿姨,要听话哦。”
“ 哦。”
“ 姐,你可以进来了。”
“ 妹,你确定要去吗?”
“ 没办法了,一定要试试。我们早了他那么多年,也不差这一次。”
“ 可是对方不会对你们怎样吧?听说是吴氏的人在搞的鬼。”
“ 不知道。不过就算如此,只要能找到俊逸,我们都要去。”
“ 那晓逸怎么办?兆氏怎么办”
“ 可以先让你们保管吗?还有如果。。我们会不来了,不要轻易透露晓逸的身份。”
“ 好。那么你们一定要小心。”
“ 嗯。”


友情 来了 总有一天会离去。。

是先把这份友情 淡忘的人(其实也不清楚以往的朋友们又没有忘记了)
自然地 也不曾体会过被抛弃的感觉

能过着 那么平凡 那么清淡 的生活
到了中学 终于鼓起勇气 想和更多人做朋友
想拥有一个刻骨铭心的 友情
却是那么的残酷 。。。

虽然我们 曾是小学同班同学
可是有时候 我比较怀念
可是 那
不屑 厌恶的眼神
现在的你 似乎
只把我当空气 不
有时候 真得很希望你只把我当空气
呵呵 很可笑吧!

其实已经很久 很久
可是 就是没有这份勇气

昨天收到那封信 心里有点雀跃
虽然那不是 你发送的
可是后来 在某名单里
应该是说本来有 可是后来没有
你们真的 不相信我了
你们真的 不把我当一回事了。。
我 对这份友情
更是不能接受了 虽然我很想挽回

爬起来 打开窗帘
看着黑暗的夜景 不小心
触碰到了 冰冷的玻璃窗
心 莫名的伤心了起来
泪 也莫名地在眼角滚动

我还是没有 足够的勇气

今年 眼看就要过去了
虽然 逃避不是解决问题的好方法
逃避你把我当脏老鼠时 我的感受是否痛苦
我只希望 一切

~Wash You Hands Too~

Wow! Found an amazing video!!
Follow the steps ya!!
~Wash Your body, wash your hands too~


There's a lot of misunderstanding in our daily life. Some make you happy but some do not... Some are important but some are not... Some tell you something but some do not... Why all of us have such useless misunderstandings? Do they help us? If not, then why would they exist?

Misunderstanding happens when you are over caring of someone or something or someone is over caring of you. Or maybe you are too much stress until you are always not clear about what you should do. And that makes your mind makes the wrong decision and that causes misunderstanding.

I have a friend. She is a girl. I'm not sure whether she hates me or not. Sometimes she shouts out my name and talks to me happily... and sometimes she use that kind of eyes to look at me when she talks to me. Am I too stupid to not know the truth? Or am I over caring of my friendship problems?

Evertime when she is with another friend, talking and laughing with them, I feel something uncomfortable in my heart. I don't know what is it and I don't know why are these things happening in me. Your laughing face is so nice but I feel hurt when it is not belong to me. I know I'm so selfish to say like that but can you just give a little more smiling face for me...

I don't know when and why this kind of problem happens within you and me. But the only thing I want to know is the truth of this problem. Is it a misunderstanding or is it real that you hate me? If you really hate me, then can you tell me the reason? If it really is a misunderstanding, then why do you treat me like this?

I only want to know the answer...

Well, yesterday I'm so happy!!
"Ring ring!!"
Guest who phoned to me!
It's Wei Chi!!!
Such a long time didn't talk to her..
And also Xiu Ling and Yu Qing
Although we talked about common stuff,
I'm so touch to hear your sound.
Miss you all very much..
I miss the moment when we're together...
Are all of you all right?
Are you all still remember me?
I always ask myself...
Sorry Xiu Ling for not wishing you 'Happy Birthday' when it's your birthday..
And not calling you all for such a long time...
I miss all of you!

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker

Glitter Graphics Maker & MySpace Layouts

First tagged by 姐姐

9:47 PM by Cally 嘉莉 0 comments
1. Who are you?
Cally Mok Jia Li
(Don't call me 'Collie' or 'Jelly')
2. Are we friends?
No way! We are SISTA!!!
3. When and how did we meet?
When I first came out from our mama's stomach!!
She's a cute baby!!
4. Did you like me at all?
I hate you very very very much!!
5. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
Jie Jie, JJ or Je Je.
Coz you're my beloved SISTA!!
6. Descirbe me in one word.
CUTE Jie Jie.
7. What was your first impression?
A cute baby.
8. Do you still think that way about me now?
Nope! You are not a baby anymore...
9. What reminds you of me?
I lurb you..
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?
My love (but not all)
11. How well do you know me?
Very very well (but not 100%)
12. When's the last time you saw me?
Now!! Sitting on the sofa watching TV..
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
Erm...let me think...
14. Are you going to post this in your notes and see what I say about you?
15. What is my best attribute?
Love me always...
Especially when you have a boyfriend..
My Taggy-ies
1. Alana Koong
2. Cherry Lee
3. Harn Hwei
4. Nicole
5. Wen Shean
6. Xiu Ling
7. Yu Qing

Amazing Illusions

Is this possible?



Are the puple lines straight or bend?


Do you see grey areas in between the squares?

Now where did they came from?


If you take a look at the following picture , let me tell you .... it is not animated. Your eyes are making it move. To test this, stare at one spot for a couple seconds and everything will stop moving. Or loo k at the black center of each circle and it will stop moving. But move your eyes to the next black center and the previous will move after you take your eyes away from it.... Weird




These are the poems that I wrote when I 'visit' Bukit Gasing...
Well, they're actually not some kind of poems that are very 'geng' (there are no rhymes T.T, I'm not that clever...)

===Poem 1 ===
Animals O animals,
where had U went to?
I saw signboards about spiders,
but where are U?

I heard noises and footsteps,
but they are not animals'.
Its ours,


===Poem 2===
The trees are green,
and the ground is brown.
But time went on,
the trees became brown,
and the ground became green...

This is us!
This is our act!
Why should we be like that!?


2:11 PM by Cally 嘉莉 0 comments
Well, don't fell like blogging but anyway I will post something about the poem I wrote when I went to Bukit Gasing and choir competition and choir festival afterwards when I'm bersemangat!!

Have Some JOKES!!

And Smile Always!

What's your Japanese name?

4:44 PM by Cally 嘉莉 0 comments
Fill your name in Japanese (refer to table below) and see how crazy it looks like....have fun!

A - ka
B - tu
C - mi
D - te
E - ku
F -lu
G - ji
H - ri
I - ki
J - zu
K - me
L -a
M - rin
N - to
O -mo
P -no
Q - ke
R - shi
S - ari
T -chi
U - do
V - ru
W -mei
X -a
Y - fu
Z - zi



I finally bought my choir badge and choir T-shirt!!
This is the badge...

And this is my choir T-shirt...
Front : Back :

When I arived at my house today after school, I continued reading my novel, “1王9帅12宫”and I finally finished it!!

These are the books...
Episode 1 and 2 :

And these are the bookmarks I used...
Episode 1 and 2 (so nice!!) :

Willing to have episode 3 & 4 and I'll finally finshed the whole story!!! Hooray!!

~Oneafiveians~ <3

7:46 PM by Cally 嘉莉 0 comments
1A5 has a BLOG!!!

Wow, feel very shocked when Nicole told me that she had created a blog for 'Oneafiveians'!!

It happens like this..
Nicole told me to sign on a piece of green paper and write something beside my signature (I didn't write anything, can't think of anything to write...T.T), and then I ask:
Huh!!! Nicole had created a blog for 'Oneafiveians'.

Visit this COOL BLOG at :
a) My links >> 1A5 muacks<3

I'm Sick!!

Thursday!! What a bad day!!

When I woke up, I found that I'm dizzy (actually every morning when I wake up I'm dizzy), then my jie jie checked my temperature. After that she said "O, ni fa shao liao.." (ToT), I'm sick! I'm sick! I'm sick! This is the first time I'm sick in this year!!!

And these are my boring schedule...

0800-0830>>struggling to wake up (coz I'm dizzy)
0830-0840>>found out that I'm sick/can't believe I'm sick
0840-0900>>SLEEP (jie jie go tuition only)
0900-1200>>continue SLEEPING
1200-1210>>can't believe mom didn't wake me up (I thought I'm going to school)
1210-1220>>come down and sit on a sofa
1220-1240>>drink Vitamin C water
1240-1300>>have my lunch/ge ge come back from school
1300-1430>>read books
1830-2000>>wake up/watch TV/jie jie come back

After calling my friend, Steffie, to ask for the homework on that day, I have to do Science Journal 1 (1 paper), Science Journal 2 (Activity 4.3), Science Exercise (5 paper), Moral (Nilai 18-20) and the worst thing is Meniti Kaca. I have to do saspens and konflik yang dialami oleh watak-watak (Thursday homework) and I haven't finish binaan plot (homework b4 Thursday) and I've to pass up tomorrow although its a Teacher's Day (WHAT THE!!) if you don't have SPECIAL reason (actually I have special reason but I'm not sure whether teacher will accept or not).

Cik Nurul KUDA??

On Monday, we finally had our new Sejarah teacher! She is Cik Nurul Huda (Well she looks a bit like a kuda (hehehe), and also a rabbit!!(hahaha).), so I call her Cik Nurul KUDA(muahahahaha...laughing like mad..)

When she first come in to our class(1A5 roxx), she said something about herself bla bla bla..., and then she said "learning is FUN" (everyone laughed...muahahahaha!). Because most of my classmates prefer to play games than learning, so she divided us into 3 groups (actually we made our decision ourselves). When I had my own group, one of my friends, Sofeanna kept saying "learning is fun, learning is fun" (Did 'learning is fun' became our 1A5 slogan!!..muahahaha).

Then, because when teacher asked which one is in which group but my group didn't even put up our hands, so we became the 观众 group ( need to play). Now the game starts, teacher asked us some questions to answer...

Q1-Apakah zaman yang pernah Malaysia lalui? (something like that)
Ans-Zaman Paleolitik, Zaman Neolitik and Zaman Logam. (plss la.. 2nd exam won't hav this kind of question la!)
Q2-Siapakah pengasas Melaka?
Ans-Parameswara. (OMG! SO EASY!!)
Q3-Apakah nama lain untuk Melaka?
Ans-Amalaka, Mulaqah and Malakat. (Well, 2nd exam also won't hav this kind of question, but actually I nearly forget, fortunately I'm only an audience...muahahaha)
Q4-Bla Bla Bla...
Q5-Forgotten hehe..

Ring!!!...FINALLY!! "Terima kasih Puan...(everyone looked at her name tag) Nurul Huda"
Then she said, "Cik!" (lll_-)

And thats Monday.

On the next day, she can finish Bab 6 in just less than 30 minutes (waa, so pro). When I'm looking on my buku nota to add some notes onto it about Bab 6.3, I suddenly heard "Jadi kesimpulannya ialah bla bla bla...". OMG!! She had finished the whole bab when I'm still in Bab 6.3!! (actually she was just reading through the textbook without explaning and she won't care although someone slept in the classroom).

Haha, now is the time to say something bad about her.
When she was doing some notes for us to copy after she finished the textbook reading, she still need to refer to the textbook and find the answer. And when she stopped for a while to look at her book, I can answer what she was looking for without refering to my textbook (muahahahaha...I'm cleverer than her).

Actually I liked Puan Sugumarie more than the Cik Kuda because Puan Sugumarie can teach very very well (I mean really really well), so I WANT HER TO COME BACK!! And the student sitting behine me kept saying "我很想念Puan Sugumarie la!!"

To Puan Sugumarie

Puan Sugumarie,
You are the best Sejarah teacher and the greatest teacher in our class. You taught Sejarah very well. I will always remember you although you are teaching in the morning session after this week. I'm proud to be your wakil and that's the greatest jawatan I've been. I hope that you will come back to teach us. Actually I'm afraid of who is the next Sejarah teacher and I am the one who gonna be his/her wakil. If he/she is not a good teacher like you, or he/she is very fierce, I think I'll think of you when the teacher scold us. Anyway, I hope you can teach well in the morning session and the students you teach will love you like what I did.

I Love You and I'll Miss You

I Have Created a New Blog

I HAVE CREATED A NEW BLOG!!Okay, actually this is not the 1st blog I have because I don't really like that blog. Hope I can make this blog better...

Let's talk about today...
In the morning, I woke up at 8.30am. OMG!!! My English tuition starts at 9.00am!! At first I took decision to not go for it because I'm tired, I had flu, fever and I'm dizzy when I woke up. But suddenly... ~DING DONG~ WHAT??!!! My aunt had arrived(she fetches me and my jie jie to the teacher's house) and I'm still in my pyjamas on my bed!! "Li Li!! Je Je!!">>my maid had called...I quickly jumped up from my bed and brushed my teeth, washed my face, changed into my uniform...within 10 minutes(what a new record!)!!Then I rush downstairs and drink Milo. Oh ya! I haven't pack my bag!! Then, I packed my bag in great speed and grabbed my tuition books. After that, 出发!

15 minutes later, in Mrs. Saw's(my tuition teacher)house...
Wait! I've forgotten to bring something...I've forgotten to bring my Essential Grammar Workbook and I need to pass it up to Mrs. Saw today!! OMG!!! I thought she would scold me but she didn't! Miracle!!(maybe her mood was good??)Suddenly, "take out ur literature book, Jia Li." Oh ya!! I also fogotten to bring my literature book! How am I gonna talk to her?! Then I just said " teacher, I didn't bring..." "What?! Then what do you bring?" "Only the workbooks." T.T she must be scolding me like mad! But she said " Nevermind then, we'll do summary and some multiple choice questions then." Miracles! (again) Phew... . So in my tuition, every thing is just SUMMARY SUMmary summary and multiple choice questions.